Mangalore, now called Mangaluru is named after the Goddess Mangaladevi. Charmingly located at the junction of the rivers Nethravathi and Gurupura on the the Arabian sea coast, the city is well known for its amazing beaches, seaports and diverse culture. With delicious cuisine to suit every palate, well maintained roads, easy transport systems and connectivity to the rest of India through road, sea, rail and air, all these give Mangalore its unique ambience.
A.J Hospital Started by the well known entrepreneur & philanthropist Dr. A.J Shetty, stands out in this regard as one of the most up to date medical centers with every specialty within its 4 walls. World class facilities help to heal and cure your every ailment.
Success rate and satisfaction
Patients who place their trust in us
Qualified and dedicated doctors
Years of
Highest standards of excellence in healthcare and research
Total patient satisfaction in a risk free environment
Compassion and Dedication is our Hallmark
Absolute Transparency & Accountability in health care delivery and billing
World wide travelers and patients welcome. Experience our best in class luxurious rooms and suites to make your curative treatment and recuperative stay as comfortable as possible. This is medical tourism at its finest.
The staff accompanies us throughout our stay and was very helpful and nice, the doctors who saw us were also great, they took the time to explain to us regarding my daughters condition in explicit detail the valued our presence and gave us care beyond our expectations. Thank you to everyone at A.J Hospital
For a Large hospital, A.J Hospital is excellent they have really outdone themselves, the functioning of the hospital is truly commendable, the staff are helpful, the services are quality of treatment meets our highest expectation
I was highly impressed and satisfied with the treatment provided to me here at A.J Hospital
The doctors at A.J Hospital are very knowledgeable and checked on me very often. The nursing staff was very accommodating and kind. Hospital room at the day care centre was very clean. Doctors and nursing staff make sure that the patients admitted receive treatment correctly and properly
Every treatment and facility provided at your hospital was excellent, I would definitely recommend A.J Hospital to everyone
Thank you so much for an amazing experience the services from the minute we came in were superb. The staff, nurses, doctors and the entire hospital team has been wonderful and warm plys extremely helpful whenever the need arose. I would at every moment recommend this hospital. Thank you once again for such a warm welcome
I would like to thank everyone who helped us to have a good stay at eh hospital. The doctors, nurses and other staff at the hospital really made our stay and treatment comfortable. The room and accommodations, also the services are very good. Thank you Best Regards
I would like to thank you all for the treatment and the kind of attention I received here at A.J Hospital, You defiantly did provide us with the best service. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart, I wish you peace and prosperity always
I really appreciate the Doctors, nurses and facilities provided at A.J Hospital, I am happy to say that this is a very good hospital and I find myself recovering well from my surgery. Thank you all and I pray to God for all of you at A.J Hospital
I saw the best recovery and best treatment being provided at A.J Hospital Mangalore
Thank you Dr. Deepalaxmi (Consultant ENT) for giving me the best care and a successful surgery. Thank you to the staff at A.J Hospital for helping me to get better
I am very impressed with the care and services provided at this hospital. Thank you for making my treatment so much more comfortable
The hospital facilities were good, the doctors were available when needed, there were good nursing staff, I was impressed by the level of coordination between the doctors and nurses at this hospital
I came to A.J Hospital for my problem of severe headache and sinus. I received good care and treatment at your hospital. Well done and keep up the good work. Thank you
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