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"Vriddhi" 7 Elderly Engagement Programme

Date & Venue: Wednesday, May 15, 2024, AJ Hospital & Research Centre.

The "Vriddhi" 7 Elderly Engagement Programme held at AJ Hospital & Research Centre on May 15, 2024, commenced at 9:00 AM, focusing on providing comprehensive health check-ups for elderly members. The health assessments encompassed evaluations of blood pressure (BP), sugar levels, body mass index (BMI), and nutritional status. Moreover, physiotherapy assessments were conducted to ensure holistic care for the attendees.


  • Dr. Naveen Rudolf, Consultant Palliative Care Physician, engaged with elderly members, addressing their health-related queries.
  • Dr. Nandeesh, Principal of Sharada Yoga and Naturopathy Hospital and Research Center, delivered a talk on Naturopathy and Yoga, emphasizing their supportive role in elder care. The discussion covered various aspects including the institute's profile, medical amenities available, integrated approaches to therapy, and treatment modalities offered.

Additionally, a Vriddhi member shared her personal experience and feedback on the treatment received at the Sharada Yoga and Naturopathy Hospital.

  • Dr. Alisha Saldanha led gentle stretching exercises as part of the physiotherapy session.
  • Dr. Chris Pais, an Ophthalmologist, delivered an informative session on Eye Care and the legal documentation process for eye donation, comprising a detailed presentation followed by an interactive discussion. Interested members were facilitated in filling out willingness forms.
  • A celebratory moment followed with the cutting of the cake, followed by performances by elderly members. Health check-ups continued until 1:00 PM, ensuring all attendees received necessary screenings.
  • The event ended with a Vote of Thanks delivered by the Master of Health Administration Lecturer Mrs. Ashika, expressing heartfelt gratitude to all participants, speakers, and organizers for their valuable contributions, thereby making the event a resounding success.



