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COVID Care at home

The second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about more raging complications and other symptoms for us to identify. Apart from fever, cough and loss of taste and smell, diarrhea, fatigue, skin rashes and headaches have also become quite common among infected patients. It is important to catch these symptoms early on and self-isolate to give your body the time and strength to fight against the virus.

WHO Covid tips to follow

Source: WHO

Home quarantine is an effective way to help prevent the spread of the virus. Below are some of the situations where immediate isolation is necessary:

  • If you have been in close contact with a COVID positive patient, as a caregiver and start to show symptoms

  • If you shared utensils or glasses with a COVID positive person.

  • If you develop any of the symptoms, such as fever, cough, etc

COVID Care tips at home

a) When you are infected and self-isolating:

  • Quarantine yourself in a well ventilated room

It is imperative that you isolate yourself in a well lit and ventilated room to ensure proper circulation of air and sunlight. They help build a positive environment around you, effectively helping with your recovery.

  • Wear gloves and a mask while interacting with your family members

Do wear a mask and gloves when interacting with your family, while maintaining the social distancing norms. Keep away from pets as well, unless absolutely necessary.

  • Frequently wash your hands and you keep your room clean

Make sure to wash your hands with an alcohol based soap and water or an alcohol based sanitizer everytime time you have to blow out your nose or cough. Dispose the tissues off safely so as to prevent further spreading of the virus.

Sanitise your hands every day

  • Ensure that you stay hydrated and eat healthy

It is important to replenish your body with different fluids to help recover faster. Maintaining a balanced diet that consists of immune boosting foods can help your body fight the virus. It is imperative that you also remember to drink plenty of water at regular intervals throughout the day.

Hydrate yourself during covid

  • Monitor your symptoms, check for warning signs

Keep a check on your symptoms. Use a pulse oximeter to monitor your oxygen levels.
If the symptoms persist or worsen, contact your doctor immediately.
Some warning signs to watch for:

  • Chest pains

  • Difficulty in breathing

  • Loss of Speech or Mobility

  • Confusion

Monitor COVID symptoms

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the doctor will either advise you to continue home isolation with prescribed medication or hospital care. 

  • Take care of your mental health

It is equally important to take care of your mental health as the pandemic induced panic and stress may cause more damage to you than you can comprehend.

Mental Health and pandemic

  • Give yourself ample time to rest and rejuvenate.

  • Pick up a light activity such as reading or listening to music to keep yourself engaged. You can also try mild yoga and meditation to help your mind stay strong and speed up your recovery. 

  • Remember to not exert yourself and take rest anytime you feel weak or uneasy.

b) While taking care of someone:

  • Prepare an isolation room for the sick person

Choose a room in the house that is comfortable and well ventilated for isolating the sick member. Make sure enough sunlight and fresh air reaches the room. Ensure that the room is away from the other members of the family.

Isolate yourself at home

  • Nominate a contact person or a caregiver among the family.

Ensure that the nominated person is not at a high risk of serious illness and has the least contact with the outside. Make sure to wear a mask and gloves while bringing the sick person food, water or medication.

  • Monitor their symptoms

Keep a regular check on their symptoms, preferably note down any drastic changes to help the doctor with their diagnosis. Keep the doctor’s number handy, immediately contact them in case of any emergency.

  • Ensure that they are given timely meals and medication

Make sure you provide them with healthy meals and that they are up-to-date on their medicine doses. Also ensure that they are drinking enough water, set up reminders if necessary. Take special care if they are elderly and at a higher risk of serious illness.

Eat healthy food during COVID

  • Keep dishes separately for their use

Use separate utensils, cutlery and glasses for the sick member. Wash them thoroughly before and after use and store them separately from the other kitchenware.

  • Sanitize frequently touched surfaces 

Ensure that you regularly clean and sanitize frequently touched surfaces, preferably with an alcohol based soap or sanitizer. Maintain a clean and calm environment in the house to provide positivity and encouragement to the recovering patient.

Sanitise your house during COVID

After quarantine:
It is advisable to stay in quarantine until all of your symptoms improve and you haven’t had fever for 72 hours prior. If it’s been atleast 7 days since the initial appearance of your symptoms, you can come out of quarantine.

Once fully recovered and it’s been 10-14 days since your symptoms first appeared, register yourself to get vaccinated. Schedule both the doses at least 28 days apart for better immunity. Remember to follow the social distancing norms and use sanitizers and masks even after getting vaccinated to be as safe as possible.

Vaccines play a huge role in curbing the spread of the pandemic, so do your part for a safer and healthier tomorrow by getting vaccinated today!