6 Warning Signs & Symptoms of Eye Problems
When your eyes are healthy, the world looks vibrant. While eyesight is very important for healthy living, very few people actively maintain or take precautions to protect their vision.
It’s important to have regular eye check-ups. But it’s equally as important not to ignore common vision symptoms that indicate there could be a problem. If you are experiencing mood swings, blurred vision, or a growing sensitivity to light, it’s time to take action!
It’s also important to know what other conditions are associated with eye problems because they could give you an idea of what to look out for.
Here are 6 warning signs & symptoms of serious eye problems.
> Red eyes with a burning sensation
There are multiple minute blood vessels in your eye to provide nutrition. These blood vessels sometimes can swell up or even burst due to infection or irritation caused by dryness, or other foreign objects. Usually, the redness can go away in a day or two but sometimes could be an indication of an eye injury, glaucoma, or damaged cornea and can lead to serious eye problems. Red eyes are also an indicator of diabetes and can lead to poor vision and blindness if left untreated. Burning eyes can be a sign of other serious underlying conditions such as Blepharitis or Keratitis.
> Scratchy pain on the surface of the eye
We normally blink about 15 to 20 times every minute. If your eyes are not adequately lubricated the friction between the eyelids and the surface of the eyes can cause scratching pain. The presence of a foreign object like dust particles, sand, or even a fallen eyelash can give you a scratchy dry eye. Usually, after the removal of the foreign object, the irritation subsides but if the problem persists, avoid scratching or rubbing your eyes and consult a doctor immediately, as rubbing your eyes can damage the cornea.
> Blurred Vision:
Blurred vision is a symptom one just cannot ignore. It could be a gradually distorting vision causing wavy lines to appear or a sudden blurriness. This is a sign of many underlying conditions such as detached retina, glaucoma, or conjunctivitis. This could also be a corneal infection or a sign of diabetic retinopathy.
It is important to consult an ophthalmologist as some of these conditions require immediate medical attention in order to prevent permanent damage.
> Floaters
You might have noticed spots or floaters after staring at bright lights for a long time. Floaters are small objects that float around the periphery of your vision. These are tiny fibres in the vitreous fluid in your eye that clump together and create shadows on the retina.
This is normal and a common occurrence due to ageing as your eyes slowly deteriorate however, if you experience spots and floaters frequently throughout the day it is advisable to consult an eye specialist.
> Blind Spots or scotoma
A blind spot in your vision is known as scotoma. This could be a temporary occurrence caused by bright lights or a permanent spot in and around different places in your vision.
If you notice a dark spot or a flickering spot in the centre of your eye it is important to get your eyes examined by an ophthalmologist as this is an indicator of serious medical conditions such as stroke, a tumour, glaucoma, or potentially disabling disease of the brain called multiple sclerosis.
> Swelling
Multiple health problems like herpes simplex, Graves’ disease, or orbital cellulitis can cause swelling in the eye and have the potential to permanently damage vision. These are serious eye infections and need medical help as soon as possible. They can scar the cornea and permanently damage the optic nerve causing glaucoma.
Swelling around the eye could also be the result of a simple infection or allergies that are not as harmful as above-mentioned diseases; however you must consult a doctor for proper diagnoses.
The eye is a vital sensory organ, and it is always advisable to do regular eye check-ups to maintain good optical health. At A.J. Hospital we have a dedicated ophthalmology department for a wide range of specialised services in eye care with 24-hour Trauma Care Facilities. To book an appointment with the best ophthalmologists at A.J. Hospital, Mangalore, call us at +91 824 222 5533.