05 Healthcare Goals to have in 2021
The new year is always a popular time of the year to take a moment to reassess and reroute your priorities and goals, be it in the realms of your personal lives or professional spheres. As 2020 winds to a close and we settle into the new decade, it is important to set a few basic healthcare goals, especially after the effects the pandemic might have left on both your physical and mental states.
The reason why it is ever so important to set goals for better health is because your health is one such vessel that in turn, affects all other aspects of your life. The mind-body connect is responsible for efficient overall functioning of your entire being as a unit. While your genetic predisposition predetermines a number of health outcomes and the likelihood of developing a disease, setting healthcare goals helps in mitigating the extent to which these diseases negatively affect your body.
Here is a comprehensive list of 05 things that might help you set and follow through with your new healthcare goals:
a) Routine Checkups: Seeking preemptive medical advice about positive lifestyle changes and scheduling timely healthcare checkups help you stay on top of your health. Preventative health checkups at your nearest hospital provide a comprehensive screening of your body, increasing the likelihood of detecting any disorders at an earlier stage, a time when treatment is most effective and economical.
Hospitals provide various healthcare checkup packages across a vast population in areas such as cancer screenings, sensory screenings such as those concerning auditory or visual concerns, or even various assessments to keep a check on lifestyle and diet.
b) Regular Exercise: Incorporating physical activity or movement to your daily routine has countless positives. Even as little as thirty minutes a day helps improve your overall health, and leaves you feeling extremely refreshed and energetic because of all the happy hormones that are released as a result. Several bodies of research corroborate the same.
Medical experts across various fields recommend regular exercise as it:
improves cardiovascular health,
promotes blood circulation,
reduces the risk of stroke,
maintains cholesterol and blood sugar levels, among umpteen other health benefits.
It also staves off extraneous stress and boosts better mental health.
Consistent exercise, be it a run, swim, yoga or even a fun dance routine delays muscle atrophy and other orthopedic or muscular injuries due to inactivity. Regular activity also helps keep obesity at bay, a major public health concern that continues to affect millions of Indians.
c) Take care of healthcare concerns that you had to put away in 2020: The lockdown following the coronavirus outbreak had put all plans on an indefinite hiatus. However, restrictions and regulations governing the pandemic have eased out and thus mobilised activity. It is time to take care of any healthcare concerns that you had shunned in the last year.
Visit your dentist for your regular checkup,
get your vision tested,
check your hormonal levels.
Hospitals are taking extremely careful measures to upkeep safety so that you can experience a stress-free time.
d) Don’t Skip Breakfast: There isn’t just one but several reasons why the age old adage, ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ holds true! Here’s what happens to your body when you skip breakfast. Insulin levels drastically drop upon not eating breakfast only to drastically spike after your next meal. According to research, this causes chronic insulin resistance-the hormone that is responsible to regulate blood sugar levels-and might predispose you to diabetes type 2.
More advantages of devouring a hearty breakfast every morning include improved memory and concentration, something we all could use a little extra of, more energy to get through your day, immaculate heart health and an amazing metabolism. Next time you’re in a rush remind yourself that you can never be too busy for breakfast! Safe to say, it has the power to determine the quality of your day. That said, make sure you keep a check on your blood sugar levels and other symptoms of diabetes by consulting a doctor at the nearest diabetes wellness clinic!
e) Get Adequate Sleep: Sleep is one of the most underrated factors when it comes to maintaining a sound psychosomatic system despite several of its benefits. It is the restorative period for your mind and body, where you experience repair at a cellular level, starting from your skin to your internal organs including the brain. Inadequate sleep serves as an impediment to all aspects of your functionality and productivity, especially in children and adolescents. It is very vital to clock in at least 7-9 hours of sleep.
Did you know: Bad sleep can lead to a bad immune system? Read this blog to know the importance of sleep.
f) Prioritise Mental Health: A healthy mind is the gateway to a healthy body. Stress or stress triggers are quite possibly the subset of each of our daily lives, affecting our overall outlook and approach to life. Poor mental health, if not given timely attention, also manifests as symptoms of physical disorders or diseases such as hypertension, thyroidism, imbalanced hormones, cardiovascular complications-the list goes on.
There are several steps you can take to improve your mental health.
It could be as simple as observing the greenery outside your window,
catching up with your loved one,
reading a book or
simply clocking out for some time where you do nothing at all.
Another great way of improving mental health is indulging in self-care; self-care is sacred! Be it dipping your feet in hot water, applying a face mask or painting your nails, serendipity finds you in surprising ways. That said, seeking professional help in the form of psychotherapy or psychiatry is vital. Just as one size does not fit all when it comes to physical exercise, mental health requirements are different for everyone. Thus, it is very important to turn to a mental health professional who can give you a tailor made plan that’s made just for your needs.
We hope that this comprehensive guide was fruitful in more ways than one. Here’s wishing you better health, elevated mental health and sound sleep every step of the way.